
Register setting fields for section

We use JSON ARRAY of Javascript for registration, that means you can use your custom functions for fields' events. Beyond those default supported fields, you can create your own custom field in here.

    {Setting field 01},
    {Setting field 02},
    {Setting field 03}

We don't want users to be confused with tons of configurations, So we have limited up to 18 fields in a section, 10 group types and 10 fields in a group

Below is a real example:

        name    : 'title',
        label    : 'Title'
        type    : 'text',
        value    : 'Default title',
        description    : 'Enter your title text ' 

You can control over all of events when users interact with the field. But in most cases, the setting values will be render in real-time by the engine without any processing code.

Last updated