Create Layouts
The Templates that helps you speed up your design process by: Importing pre-made templates from the developer (or third-party), Saving your own designs as templates to reuse later
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The Templates that helps you speed up your design process by: Importing pre-made templates from the developer (or third-party), Saving your own designs as templates to reuse later
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Page Layout is a template that includes pre-built elements such as sections, blocks, texts, images, sliders,... etc. They are combined to each other to construct a spectacular structure in various styles.
We offer 5 types of Page template. They are Standard, Product, Collection, Blog and Article pages.
Moreover, every Page Layout showcased will have high-quality free stock images as placeholders. Our design team has crafted each and every piece of an individual template to ensure it is unique and easily modified to adapt to your unique needs.
With LayoutHub, you don’t have to be a developer to create a page. With LayoutHub you don’t have to be designer either.
Amazing features included in a Page Layout:
Section element to combine several rows
Color Picker
Text Translation
Extended CSS box
Options to save section and row as templates
Remove at one click without loading process
Step 1: From the menu on the left side, Select Standard Page > Click Add new page. I suppose I would like to design for my Homepage. (You can also design for the other pages such as Product page, Collection page, Blog page,... etc)
Step 2: Choose show or hide Header and Footer.
Step 3: Select Blank layout
Step 4: Click Add layout
Step 5: Select a layout from our library for your home page.
You can also add a design block to your page.
Click Import/Preview button to import design to your store.
Searching for your designs quickly by Search form or the Categories Menu on the left side.
Select any Layouts and click Install button. Then you start customizing the Layout as you desire
Now you get the Homepage Layout sample imported to your store.
Only the body of Homepage imported. The Header and Footer section are fixed and initial from your current theme.
LayoutHub offers all the controls you need to work with content elements – change, edit, duplicate, remove, preview or create presets for your elements whenever you wish with just single click.Configure your Shopify site layout like never before.
On this content of the Layout, you can changed everything by using the sidebar Editor. But It’s just a preview. You can customize this preview like customizing a Shopify Theme, they are very simple and user-friendly.
There are 2 tabs that you can switch over them to make changes: Sections + Settings
Layout Hub gives you 2 different tabs to edit individual sections/blocks. While the specific options that you’ll see in each tab depend on the exact section/block that you’re editing.
Section: include settings of each blocks: ex) Slide block, Collection block,...
Settings: Include settings of global, apply a color or gap at once time onto all the pages. All websites are different! Use Primary color to make a perfect match with your corporate and brand identity. You can change visual appearance literally in seconds and determine which color, font you want to affect – combine your design with your brand as a unique design.
If you’re a casual user, you might not ever need to use custom CSS in your page builder designs. But for more advanced users, the ability to add custom CSS is a great way to get more control over your page layouts.
Finally, after you had completed customizing your Layout, you can click Publish Page button.
Enter a Page Title, Page handle, Meta description for this customized Layout and press Publish now.
Page Title: Enter your page title. This title will display as a link in search engine results. You can enter up to 55 characters in the title.
Page handle or human url: Enter your url, the URL can't contain any spaces.
Meta description: Enter a description for the search engine listing. You can enter up to 320 characters in the description.
Publish page: When you choose YES on this mode, your page will be publishing, that mean everyone can see your page if they have the link. If NO here the Design is created and achieved in the App Dashboard, you can go there to re-use or edit the layout for the next time.
Make as Home page: Choose YES if you want to make default this page to replace your existing home page.
"Publish now" button: Click on this button to publish or Save your page.
Result: Please go to your store front- Landing page, it's replaced by the new layout
In the case you want to revert all the changes, back to your Original design
Go back to Layout Hub dashboard > Select exactly the Shopify Default template not the other customized layouts > Click Restore default template button.
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